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Advanced Placement Right Poster

Advanced Placement Right Poster

Price: $25

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Why take an Advanced Placement class? 
AP classes can boost your GPA and strengthen your college application. Here are five ways AP classes can be a smart choice.

1. Prep for college
Taking college-level courses early on could ease your transition from high school senior to first-year college student.

2. Rise to the top of the pile
AP classes show college admissions officers that you’re ready for college-level work. Good grades and academic rigor are the most important factors when schools evaluate applications.

3. Strengthen your transcript
Many high schools give extra weight to AP grades when calculating your GPA. Taking an AP class and getting a B is often a better choice than getting an A in a regular course.

4. Study what you love
There are 38 AP subjects from computer science to Japanese language. Choosing a subject you’re interested in will help you commit to the workload.

5. Get a head start and save money
If your college offers AP credit, a score of 4 or higher could allow you to earn college credits. Some students are able to skip the entire first year of college, thus cutting the entire cost of their college education by one quarter.

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