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Take your vocabulary skills to the next level.
Take your vocabulary skills to the next level.

Take your vocabulary skills to the next level.

Price: $25

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Take your vocabulary skills to the next level. 
Step 1: Read
Be a  voracious reader. Check out blogs, games, articles, quotes and novels. Read different genres and disciplines for each has its own unique vocabulary.
Step 2: Record
When you encounter an unfamiliar word, write it down and look it up its definition. Write new words and make sentences in an effective way to remember the meanings of words in a context.
Step 3: Practice
After you identify and record the new word say it out loud and practice it in speech. Use your new words in your everyday life. After you have added scores of words to your word power library, weave them into your thought patterns to help you remember them better.
Extra Credit
Most websites, like Dictionary.com, can also translate over 50 languages so don’t hesitate to start educating yourself on foreign words that cross your path. Tip: Put Dictionary.com in your navigation bar for instant access.
The Words We choose Speak Volumes.

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